But I'm not Greek. I'm German, I'm American. 但我觉得自己不是希腊人,而是德国人、美国人。
You could say he was a success: He was a published author, an accomplished musician, fluent in German and the American Sign Language. 你可以称他是成功人士:他是一名发表过作品的作家,一位有造诣的音乐家,能说流利的德语,能熟练运用美国手语。这一连串成就看起来挺厉害的。
As Ive said, Angela and I dont exactly look like previous German and American leaders. 正如我所说,安格拉和我与德国和美国过去的领导人不完全一样。
Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age. 在当代美洲的英语区,与民间文化最相似的群体也许算是Amish。Amish是美国的德裔农耕部落,他们基本上拒绝接受工业时代的大多数产品和节省劳力的设施。
In another, a manager who had been a long-term employee was allowed to buy shares that, after a period of three years, would have a value equal to the price of a very nice German or American executive car or the down payment on an apartment. 另一个例子是,一位长期任职的经理被允许购买一笔公司股份,3年后这些股份的价值将可以购买一辆相当不错的德国或美国行政级轿车或者支付一套公寓的首付款。
While the modern cartoon industry began in France in 1888 invented by Emile Reynaud, Chinese animation started in the 1920s, and were inspired by French, German, Russian and mostly American productions. 现代动画产业始于1888年的法国,埃米尔.雷诺创作了第一件作品。在法国、德国、俄罗斯和美国的动画作品的鼓舞下,中国的动画始于20世纪20年代。
Erich Fromm, German born American, social philosopher and psychoanalyst. 弗罗姆,德裔美籍社会哲学家,精神分析学家。
Can be customized according to customer specific needs of producers of standard, German standard, American standard, and other products. 可根据客户具体需求定制生产国标、德标、美标、等产品。
German and American intelligence don't work together often. 德国和美国情报部门一般不怎么合作的。
The Shanghai Auto Industry Corporation has established joint ventures with German Volkswagen and American General Motors. 上海汽车工业总公司已与德国大众和美国通用两大汽车公司建立了合资企业。
And in these posts, he has worked on issues ranging from German unification to Latin American debt relief to the transition of post-Soviet economies. 在这些职位上,他处理过两德统一减免拉美债务以及前苏联经济转轨等一系列重大事件。
They want a German car not american! 他们想要一个德国汽车而不是美国汽车!
Just as asian culture, western culture also contains many groups such as the British, French, German, and American. 而西方文化也同样种类繁多:英国的、法国的、德国的、美国的。
The company introduces now internationally first the near complete set production line equipment, uses the German technology, the American patent. 公司引进当今国际最先近的全套生产线设备,采用德国技术,美国专利。
In essence, the President had to decide whether to yield to the German threat and abandon certain American technical rights on the seas. 问题的实质是,总统必须决定是否屈服于德国的威胁,并且放弃美国在海上的某些合法的权利。
I feel more German than I am american. 这让我感觉像个德国人,而不是美国人。
What are some differences between the cases of British, German, Russian, and American physicists that these historians have studied, and how has this affected the physics done in each case? 这些历史学家研究的英、德、俄和美国的物理学家有什麽不同,在每种情况下又是如何影响到他们所做的?
In 2008 a German industrial conglomerate paid € 1bn ($ 1.4bn) in fines to the German and American governments for bribing officials. 2008年,一家德国工业集团因涉嫌贿赂官员,向德国和美国政府缴纳了共计10亿欧元(合14亿美元)的罚款。
Through the succession of medieval universities, German universities and American universities, academic freedom has improved from thinking enlightenment, principle establishment to complete system and gained widely recognition and practice. 经过中世纪大学、德国大学、美国大学的继承,学术自由从思想的孕育、原则的确立发展到制度的形成,日益广泛地得到人们的认同和实践。
It can be found out that the graduate college system, mixing the advantages of German institute and American faculty, is the most outstanding organizational characteristic of American graduate education. 从中可以发现糅合研究所制和学院制优点的研究生院制度是美国研究生教育在组织上的基本特点。
"Expression" first appeared in the Matisse 'art exhibition held in Paris, France, in 1901.Btu its development has experienced the earlier French and German expressionism, the American abstract expressionism and German new expressionism. 表现一词首先出现在1901年在法国巴黎举办的马蒂斯画展上。而它在西方的发展,大致经历了早期的法国和德国的表现主义、美国的抽象表现主义以及德国的新表现主义几个阶段。
The paper comparatively analyses the system of capacity contracting of minor of German 、 Britain and American, and proposes specific proposals to perfect correlative system of our country in lawmaking. 文章对德国、英国及美国等典型国家的未成年人缔约能力制度进行了比较分析,在此基础上提出了在立法中完善我国相关制度的具体建议。
It is called hierarchy modes for the development of graduate university in this paper with analysis the hierarchy modes of the development in the world taking German and American higher education development as main clue. 文章将上述发展过程称为本科大学发展的层次模式,并以德国和美国高等教育发展历程为主线,分析了世界大学发展的层次模式。
Part three introduced how Korean, Japan, German, American and the province of Taiwan in China protect the farmers 'subsistent rights and developing rights when they expropriate the land. The author makes a summarization and point out how to learn from their experience. 第三部分介绍了韩国、日本、德国、美国和我国台湾地区的土地征收对农民生存权和发展权的法律保障,并进行总结,提出了可借鉴之处。
From the late 19th century to early 20th century expressionism in the West largely through the four stages, namely, the early French Expressionism, German Expressionism, American abstract expressionism and the new German Expressionism. 从19世纪末到20世纪初期表现主义在西方大体上经历了四个阶段,即法国早期表现主义,德国表现主义,美国抽象表现主义和德国新表现主义。
Civil law of Japan, German and Anglo American law system American, Britain has a wealth of experience and a high level of legislation in the legislation of environmental criminal law. 大陆法系的日本、德国和英美法系的美国、英国在环境刑事立法方面有着丰富的经验和较高的立法水平。
This study has made a comparative analysis of Shanghai, German and American high school mathematical textbooks on both macroscopical and microscopic sides depended on power function, exponential function and logarithmic function. 本研究以幂函数、指数函数、对数函数为载体,对中国的上海、德国和美国的高中数学教材进行宏观和微观两个维度的比较分析。
Chapter ⅲ analyzes the through-type training mode of German and American universities, introduces the mode of university of Science and Technology of China and Northwest A& F university, and makes a comparative analysis of five universities 'through-type personnel training mode in China. 第三章,分析德国和美国高校贯通人才培养模式,介绍了中国科技大学和西北农林科技大学本-硕-博贯通人才培养模式,并比较分析了国内五所高校硕博贯通人才培养模式。
Priority has analysed German group legal action and American citizen legal action system. 重点分析了德国的团体诉讼和美国的公民诉讼制度。